Monday, November 2, 2009

Brought to you by!

Like many of you, I watch TV, watch sports on TV and even attend sporting events. While on a recent adventure to a sporting event, I noticed something very interesting. Everything is brought you by some product or company. The time outs are brought to you by a bank, the touchdowns are brought to you by an insurance company, when the team enters the red zone it is brought to you by Dodge trucks and every first down is sponsored by some company. I would even wager that you could find somebody to sponsor the kickers face mask. Now I understand that revenue needs to be brought in for a team to compete and to play. So I am not going to rag on the sponsors or the team, what I want to propose is that, I want different things in my life to be sponsored. Here is my list of what I want sponsored in my life. If you would like to sponsor any aspect of these please let me know or if you would like to sponsor something else let me know.

1. Waking up in the morning (I think this would be perfect for a cereal company or an egg company)
2. My shower in the morning. I can hear the add now, This Hot Shower brought you by Head and Shoulders shampoo and conditioner
3. I think a date would be a perfect thing to sponsor. One, it would cover the costs of my dates. Second I would probably have to do a date based on that date. For example the date could be sponsored by Chili's and I would have to go to Chili's on my date and mention how much I enjoy going to Chili's on my date, and how much I love the Chili's molten love cake...YUM I do Love Chili's.
4. The first mile of my runs. I have already written a letter to Little Debbie for this one. When ever I have a long run, I eat a Nutty Butter Bar...they work better then any energy bar!
5. Laying on the couch. And this lazy time laying on the couch brought to you by Frito Lay's
6. Making my bed.
7. Going to the restroom (You can decided what for)
8. Text messaging.
9. Renting a video from Red Box.
10. Bouncing a tennis ball, just because I can.

As you can see there are limitless possibilities to my life, and I just listed a few of the things that you can sponsor.

This Blog entry is brought to you by Franklin Cleaning Technology. Making


The Lloyds said...

Love the sponsor idea! Glad I found out you blog as well... you can check ours out at

Alex said...

7- Brought to you by Cottonelle brand travel size toilet tissue. For the man who's on the go, when he's got to go.

Whitney L. said...

Dear Jon, I would like to sponsor every 9th step that you take on every alternate Wednesday.
Sincerely, Whitney