Thursday, September 18, 2008

The How you doing, how you doing?

Have you ever been walking around town, at work, or anywhere for that matter and encountered somebody that you know as a friend or an acquaintance and then preceded to ask the following question. "How are you doing?" What was the response you got back? Was at full answer to how they were doing or how things were going in their lives. My guess is that it was not the response you received. Typically in these situations we receive our questions, with the same question. Then when you were asked that question did you respond? The typical respone that I have noticed is that we don't respond. We just continue to walk by and don't even realize two questions were asked, and there was no response given. I call this phenomenon the "The How you doing, How you doing?

This bizzare phenomenon could be caused by a number of different factors and may be different for each person. One reason that I think we do this, is because we see the peerson and our natural respone is to ask how are they doing? We get into our own little worlds and are thinking about things, and then we see somebody we know, and we just go into a sorta of robot like state. We know the poliete thing to do is to ask aknowledge their precesne. We do this by asking how they are doing, they of course do the same.

What causes us not to answer the questions. Sometimes we may really not want to talk to that person, or we may not want to really express how we are feeling. The reasons could be many, but if the answer is to busy, lets examine ours lives a little closer. Why would we be to busy to talk with somebody. This excuse has become our cop out to forming relationships or creating relationships. We claim we are busy, but are we really busy. What do we do when we get home. Do we watch TV, do we perfor a task, work on a hobby of ours. Whatever it might be may be worthwhile, and rewarding but lets not forget that what truly matters in life, friendship. Why must we sacrifice our friendships for some hobby that really only brings us closer to it. Does it give us anything in return. Sure it might give a nice painting, a better talent, it may even give us a sense of accomplishment. These things are nice, but are fading. Friendships can last forever, they can be there for you when you are having a bad day. They are what gives our life meaning. No videogame, project or talent can give us that. So lets anser the question to how we are doing? lets be friends and care about our friends.

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