Wednesday, May 14, 2008

76-100, The End of All Things.

76. Beat Super Mario Brothers on the NES in under 12 minutes
77. Learn to surf
78. Attend an Olympic Event
79. Travel to all 7 continents
80. Visit all 50 states
81. On a windy day, go fly a kite.
82. Kiss a lovely lady (hopefully the wife) on the Eifel Tower
83. Marry in the Temple
84. Build a boat.
85. For some reason, I think it would be really interesting to see the Grand Canyon
86. Decorate my condo
87. Pay for my parents to go to Disneyland
88. Learn to play Rock Band on Hard Level
89. Visit the 8 wonders of the world
90. Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
91. Attend the Park City Jazz Festival
92. Own a vacation home in San Diego
93. Actually complete the NY Time Crossword puzzle (why must they make that so gosh darn hard)
94. Produce a card for Hallmark
95. Write a childerns book
96. Vote in every general election
97. Put in your own goal here (this is the place where you get to make up your own goal for me)
98. Watch a sunset and just be at peace
99. Rescue a cat from a tree.
100. Die a Peacefull happy death

Well I finally did it, I wrote down 100 goals. It was not easy but I think that it will give me something to start doing. Every so often there are going to be updates on this blog so you the reader can find out how I am doing with all these goals. I also encourage you to help me if you can.


Adam Jones said...

97. Kick a BYU fan in the groin.

Unknown said...

I like it, kick a BYU person

Alex said...

I'm gonna have to agree with the already suggested comment. However, note that as I may be attending a BYU school, it does NOT make me a byu fan

Lisa said...

I'm excited to help you with #86.