Tuesday, December 29, 2009

War of the Shopping Carts

As many of you faithful readers will remember, a few months back this blog started a campaign against shopping carts and the individuals who leave there shopping carts randomly around the parking lot. During the Holiday season, I was reminded about this issues and peoples seemingly inability to put away their shopping carts. I fully understand that during the holiday season we are busy and have errands to run and people to see. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the rush of the holidays we may forget to put away our shopping cart. The holidays season is now over and we have an opportunity to all become better individuals. During the New Year we all make resolutions some to quit smoking, some to loose weight, some to conquer their fears of snakes. What ever are resolutions are we can all do one thing to make our lives a better place. This year lets put our shopping carts away. Lets put at least one cart away if we see it in the parking lot when we go shopping. If we put one cart away we can then have hope that we can believe in! For all of you who read this blog commit yourself to put away one cart away the next time you go shopping. Not only do you help a car in need but you also help your body. By pushing that cart you are working muscles you may have not other wise worked out that day. Also think back to when you were a kid, one of the great joys in life was running with a cart and jumping on it and riding the cart in the parking lot. So lets bring hope back to the parking lot and back to America and put away are shopping carts but also those carts that are just left in parking lot.

By reading this blog you are now committed to putting away one cart this week!